Door casing saw at GRAUTHOFF Türengruppe GmbH

  • Application at GRAUTHOFF Türengruppe GmbH

    Drive technology for sawing machines in door production

    Our drive technology enables efficient transportation of materials and high precision for sawing machines at GRAUTHOFF – and with small batch sizes, too.

In spite of the small batch sizes, it is necessary to ensure that the material transportation remains efficient and the sawing work precise. SEW-EURODRIVE supplies motors and frequency inverters; MOVITRAC® LTP-B series frequency inverters are used to drive the synchronous saw motors without an encoder.

Tailor-made solutions for small production series

GRAUTHOFF Türengruppe GmbH is a modern, owner-operated family business that has been manufacturing interior doors for more than 55 years. Around 700 staff work every day to guarantee consistently high quality levels and ensure that the product retains a contemporary appearance. In order to cope with the increasing demand for custom door widths, GRAUTHOFF commissioned Becker Sondermaschinenbau – a company specializing in the production of powerful precision tools in the field of special-purpose machinery – to produce a door casing saw for manufacturing door frames.

The new door casing saw allows infinitely variable positioning of the individual saw blades, making it ideal for producing very small batch sizes. The saws can be positioned using either a gear rack with SEW-EURODRIVE servomotors or with synchronous linear motors. The motors are controlled using MOVIDRIVE® series drive inverters, renowned for their bus positioning.

The saw blades are driven by eleven ultra-compact synchronous saw motors. They are controlled by MOVITRAC® LTP-B series frequency inverters, each of which boasts a nominal power of 7.5 kW. The MOVITRAC® LTP-B frequency inverter is available with IP20 and IP55 housing and offers an innovative VFC vector control to operate synchronous and asynchronous motors. A special highlight is the control of energy efficient synchronous motors without encoder.

The automatic measurement of the physical motor parameters saves time during commissioning and guarantees that the inverter is operated as efficiently as possible. As such, the frequency inverters allow high, very stable speeds across the whole power range, from 0.75 to 160 kW. This makes them perfectly suited to use with high-speed machining motors.

The Becker Sondermaschinenbau door casing saw has enabled GRAUTHOFF to reduce the waste produced during frame production to a minimum.

MOVITRAC{{®}} LTP-B units allow operation of synchronous and asynchronous motors

Customer requirement

The requirements for the sawing machine included fast and low-cost commissioning, extremely simple operation and quick production changeovers, even for small batch sizes.

Our solution

Thanks to our expertise in the field of drive technology and our corresponding familiarity with the industry, we were able to work closely with Becker Sondermaschinenbau in order to develop a solution that was perfectly tailored to the customer's requirements – SEW‑EURODRIVE provides efficient transportation of materials and high precision.

Quote from Michael Krähenhorst, Designer at Becker Sonder-Maschinenbau GmbH

"In the past, we often wished we had a simple, innovative solution when it came to commissioning special-purpose units and synchronous motors for drives. ...

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The door manufacturer Grauthoff Türengruppe produces customized doors using an adjustable door casing saw by Becker Sondermaschinenbau.

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Tailor-made solutions from SEW-EURODRIVE

Grauthoff Türengruppe manufactures custom doors with the aid of an adjustable door casing saw from Becker Sondermaschinenbau.


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